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Sanondaf in Lanarkshire

Based within the Sanondaf UK Head Office, our fully qualified Sanondaf Technicians are waiting to assist with all your touch-less Disinfection & Decontamination requirements.

We’ve been very busy of late, assisting one of our Nursery clients who had an unfortunate case of Hand Foot and Mouth disease amongst some of their children. Not to be confused with Foot/Hoof & Mouth disease which affects livestock, this is a highly infectious condition and very prevalent amongst young children. Fortunately Sanondaf were on hand to step in and undertake a full decontamination of the nursery and all the toys/equipment/electrical items & furnishings in the nursery, to help minimise the risk of more of the children being affected.

HFM nursery treatment

Elsewhere, we were also extremely proud to undertake our service at the new Beatson Centre at Monklands Hospital. This state of the art facility will provide high quality and very valuable services to the people of Lanarkshire. Sanondaf UK were pleased to provide a complimentary treatment, to ensure the facility gets off to the safest start possible.

Sanondaf at the Beatson

Beatson Lanarkshire

[ultimate_heading main_heading=”Contact Us” default_sub_heading=” Sanondaf Lanarkshire” alignment=”left”][/ultimate_heading]

Sanondaf Lanarkshire , Atrium Business CentreNorth Caldeen Road , Coatbridge , ML5 4EF


+ 01236 702028 , + 07806 635706

[ultimate_google_map zoom=”14″ map_markers=”Atrium Business CentreNorth Caldeen Road Coatbridge UK” size=”338″]